# multiple_scripts Multiple scripts that are useful but don't deserve their own repository. ## ytube.sh A wrapper for youtube-dl to make easier (and automate) some things. ## clipimg.sh Uses fzf, rofi, fd (optional), and xclip to choose an image, get it onto the clipboard, and select it for pasting. ## tmux_devour.sh Launch a process in a new pane, zoom the pane, kill the pane when done. ## tmux_sidebar.sh Create a sidebar (e.g. for reading manpages) and kill when done. ## tmux_topbar.sh Create a vertical split (it's actually a bottombar) and kill when done. ## briefing.sh Used along with Podfox to create a daily briefing without involving Google or Amazon or Apple. The post detailing this is at [ideatrash](https://ideatrash.net/?p=69528). ## virtualbox-openbox To dynamically create a list of virtualbox VM's (and allow you to run them) as an OpenBox pipe menu ## topmem.sh and topcpu.sh While these aren't exactly *speedy* or *optimized*, they do what I want; they show me the top five memory using (or CPU using, respectively) *commands*. That is, it lumps all `vivaldi-bin` or `firefox-bin` processes together before doing the calculation and sort. That way I can see what commands are eating up everything. A small note - processes from bash, python, and java (at present) are not *excluded*, but the command they're *running* is what is counted. So for example, these three commands: `/usr/bin/python /usr/share/kupfer/kupfer.py --no-splash` `/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/autokey-gtk` `/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/dstat -c -C 0,1,total -d -s -n -y -r` are *not* lumped together, but are treated as separate commands.