#!/bin/bash ############################################################################## # # books_search_preview.sh # By Steven Saus # (c) 2024; licensed under the MIT license # ############################################################################### Instring="$@" ID=$(echo "${Instring}" | awk '{print $1}') # if the first bit is an ID, I'm assuming it's from calibredb and in that format # otherwise, it's my "old" filename-based format, which would still be useful if # you are NOT using Calibre, but are using something else to manage your library # but have tagged your ebooks. # if [ "$ID" -eq "$ID" ] 2>/dev/null then # install unhtml from pacakage manager if [ -f $(which unhtml) ];then calibredb show_metadata "${ID}" | unhtml else calibredb show_metadata "${ID}" fi else # xargs to trim whitespace FILENAME=$(echo "${Instring}" | awk -F '|' '{print $4}' | xargs ) if [ -f $(which unhtml) ];then exiftool "${FILENAME}" | unhtml else exiftool "${FILENAME}" fi fi