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# - VirtualBox launcher for openbox
# initially created 2013 - Ryan Fantus for PlayOnLinux
# command to launch VirtualBox
#VBox_launcher_command='VBoxHeadless -startvm'
VBox_launcher_command='VBoxManage startvm'
function generate_vbox_menu {
VBoxManage list vms | awk -F '"' '{print $2}' | while read; do
echo '<item label="'"${REPLY}"'">'
echo -n '<action name="Execute"><execute>'
echo -n "$VBox_launcher_command '${REPLY}'"
echo '</execute></action>'
echo '</item>'
echo '<openbox_pipe_menu>'
echo '<separator label="VirtualBox" />'
# First, we'll create a launcher specifically for PlayOnLinux
echo '<item label="VirtualBox">'
echo -n '<action name="Execute"><execute>'
echo -n "virtualbox"
echo '</execute></action>'
echo '</item>'
echo '</openbox_pipe_menu>'