Multiple scripts that are useful but don't deserve their own repository.
You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.
Steven Saus 2fdba2c2e8 Here we go! 2 months ago
LICENSE Initial commit 6 years ago
PS1_functions Added ps1 helper functions, started with myman 4 years ago Updated readme with link to blog for patreon converter script 6 months ago Updated with -x flag for GUI reader 4 months ago Here we go! 2 months ago Here we go! 2 months ago Added copy image and tmux scripts 4 years ago adding some more stuff, mostly working 7 months ago Starting on start/stop/pause script 4 years ago Added script to convert downloaded Patreon works 6 months ago
isobash Added isobash 2 years ago Added bespoke quick joplin search and updated vbox helper 3 years ago Should report out TOTP, though I don't know a way to get remaining time 3 years ago kpf added as a utility script 3 years ago Added ytube and mu-search 4 years ago adding some more stuff, mostly working 7 months ago Whoops, fixed an error 7 months ago
patootie_1.jpg updating readme 7 months ago
patootie_2.jpg updating readme 7 months ago
pulse-fzf-autoconf Fixed a typo, added OB menu 2 years ago Tweaks 2 years ago Added sxibp 4 years ago
sr-dot-sh.gif cleaned up video filenames, sr-dot-sh example gif 4 years ago Fixed issue with sr recursively calling itself 4 years ago Added to clipboard function/file 2 years ago
swap_ncmpcpp kpf added as a utility script 3 years ago swapped uniq for AWK array 3 years ago swapped uniq for AWK array 3 years ago
video-fzf-config Added to clipboard function/file 2 years ago adding some more stuff, mostly working 7 months ago
yad-todo.png Added image example 3 years ago Fixed formatting error with date 3 years ago
ytube Added in headers for files 4 years ago


Multiple scripts that are useful but don't deserve their own repository.

This is often a repository when I work on small ideas until they're big enough to deserve thier own repo and README. This readme may very well be outdated or inaccurate!

See this post on my blog for a full description of how to use this script.


A simple script using zenity and pkexec to allow for interactive mounting of ISO files with a GUI interface.

video-fzf-config and pulse-fzf-autoconf

Scripts for moving and manipulating video and pulse streams easily. See

Because sometimes you want a GUI and the speed of a command line, and just want to say something stupid on Mastodon without firing up a browser or Sengi or grabbing your phone, or or or...

Uses YAD and toot to have a GUI for sending a quick toot (with possible image attachments, content warnings, and alt text. Includes interactive image selector and displaying the image while you are presented with a dialogue box to enter alt text.

Patootie uses the environment variable TOOTACCT to specify the tooting account otherwise it uses whichever one is currently active in toot.

You may specify the full path to an image file as the first (and only) command-line variable to "pre-load" the image attachment portion of the script.

patootie first dialogue box

patootie alt text dialogue box

Uses yad to present a simple GUI for adding entries to todo.txt file. See the yad-todo.png file for what it might look like. If the program is not running, ensure that it is getting the todo.txt file passed to it!

Uses fd, fzf, and keepassxc-cli to provide a quick and easy way to retrieve passwords from the command line. By default copies the password to the clipboard. If you don't want to type your password (or select your database location) every time, you can set them as environment variables.

See this post for details.

Does exactly what it says on the tin. $1 is the string to search, $2 is the path to the icon file

A transparent wrapper for surfraw that utilizes fzf

A wrapper for youtube-dl to make easier (and automate) some things.

Uses fzf, rofi, fd (optional), and xclip to choose an image, get it onto the clipboard, and select it for pasting. Works for JPG and PNG, does NOT work for GIF, sadly.

Launch a process in a new pane, zoom the pane, kill the pane when done.

Create a sidebar (e.g. for reading manpages) and kill when done.

Create a vertical split and kill when done.

Used along with Podfox to create a daily briefing without involving Google or Amazon or Apple. The post detailing this is at ideatrash.


To dynamically create a list of virtualbox VM's (and allow you to run them) as an OpenBox pipe menu and

While these aren't exactly speedy or optimized, they do what I want; they show me the top five memory using (or CPU using, respectively) commands. That is, it lumps all vivaldi-bin or firefox-bin processes together before doing the calculation and sort. That way I can see what commands are eating up everything.

A small note - processes from bash, python, and java (at present) are not excluded, but the command they're running is what is counted. So for example, these three commands:

/usr/bin/python /usr/share/kupfer/ --no-splash
/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/autokey-gtk
/usr/bin/python /usr/bin/dstat -c -C 0,1,total -d -s -n -y -r

are not lumped together, but are treated as separate commands.

