A bash script to get the weather from OpenWeatherMap and output to the terminal, Openbox, or HTML
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# weather.sh and forecast.sh
A bash script to get the weather and forecast from OpenWeatherMap and output
to the terminal, Openbox, or HTML
## Contents
1. [About](#1-about)
2. [License](#2-license)
3. [Prerequisites](#3-prerequisites)
4. [How to use](#4-how-to-use)
5. [TODO](#5-todo)
## 1. About
Weather report written in Bash.
`weather.sh` gets the current weather from
[OpenWeatherMap](http://openweathermap.org/) and displays the
results to the terminal, HTML, or for an OpenBox pipe menu. It will
calculate (if appropriate) the "feel like" weather by calculating the
wind chill or heat index. A great deal of basis for this script comes
from [BashWeather](https://github.com/jdotjdot/BashWeather),
and many more that I forgot to save the URLs of.
`forecast.sh` gets the forecast from [OpenWeatherMap](http://openweathermap.org/)
and likewise displays the results. OpenWeatherMap forecasts are at three hour
intervals (0800, 1100, 1400, etc). It displays all forecasts for the next
twenty four hours, then displays the closest time forecast for the day after
that. For example, if it's 1136 (as I'm writing this) it shows all forecasts
through the 1100 forecast the next day, then the 1100 forecast for each
subsequent day. Options and `.rc` file are *the same* as for `weather.sh`.
If you wish to show both together, simply execute:
`weather.sh && forecast.sh`
## 2. License
This project is licensed under the MIT license. For the full license, see `LICENSE`.
## 3. Prerequisites
* OpenWeatherMap API key ([http://openweathermap.org/appid](http://openweathermap.org/appid)).
* Bash shell ≥ 4.2.
* `bc` basic calculator for floating point arithmetic. Can be found in the
`bc` package on major Linux distributions.
* `curl` command-line tool for getting data using HTTP protocol. cURL can be
found in the `curl` package on major Linux distributions.
* `grep` command-line tool used for parsing downloaded XML data. `grep` can
be found in the `grep` package on major Linux distributions.
* `jq` command-line tool for parsing JSON data. `jq` can be found in the `jq`
package on major Linux distributions.
* `tr` command-line tool for parsing JSON data. `tr` can be found in the `tr`
package on major Linux distributions.
* `awk` command-line tool for parsing JSON data. `awk` can be found in the
`awk` package on major Linux distributions.
Optional: For colors in terminal, save `bashcolors` in this repository to
`.bashcolors` in your `$HOME` directory.
## 4. How to use
Run `weather.sh` or `forecast.sh` with the appropriate commandline switches
(below). If the current conditions do not qualify for the heat index or wind
chill, it is not displayed.
### weather_sh.rc
Copy (and edit, as appropriate) the `weather_sh.rc` file to `$HOME\.config`.
The first line is the OpenWeatherMap API key
The second line is your default location
The third line is your default degree character (either `c` or `f`)
The fourth line is True or False depending on whether or not you want
icons displayed for the weather.
### Command-line options
`weather.sh` and `forecast.sh` can be started with the following command line
* `-k` Specifies OpenWeatherMap API key from the command-line.
* `-l city_name` Sets the city for manual weather lookup.
* `-t` Output to the terminal/stdout (default if no output is specified)
* `-h` Output HTML formatted text
* `-o` Output OpenBox output
* `-f` Use imperial (farenheit, inches Hg, mph) units; default is metric
* `-c` Use colored output in the terminal if `.bashcolors` is in the home
dir. Note that if you want to alter the colors, you will have to manually
alter the script.
_Note: If the OpenWeatherMap API key is specified from the command-line, it
will override the API key set in the file._
## 5. Todo
* Add in sunrise/sunset
* HTML colored output
* Current location instead of hardcoded